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Campaña Internacional de Sensibilización.Hacer Visible lo Invisile Clicar Aquí EL TOT MATARÓ i COMARCA - revista Semanal 35.000 Ejemplares; 97.000 Lectores:Montserrat Ferrer, contra l’antena Presidenta de l’entitat ecologista Oikos Ambiental CLICAR AQUÍ

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Next-up News Nr 995 Action mondiale: Soutenir Kamionki Images du Jour: D�termination

- Image du jour (Sp) : "D�termination face aux irradiations HF micro-ondes"

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- THT Action mondiale de sensibilisation et de soutien : "Aider KAMIONKI � vivre"

- Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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Next-up News Nr 950 Charlie Crist, governor May 2009 : ElectroMagnetic Sensitivity awareness month

- May 2009 : Charlie Crist , governor of the Stade of Florida.
- "ElectroMagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) awareness month"

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Next-up News Nr 953 Taiwan phone masts adopt: Limit three per building and no base stations in schools

- TAIPEI-TIMES: "National Communications Commission (NCC) battles proposal to limit wireless stations"
- "The WHO said there was no evidence to show base stations are dangerous,
but a proposed amendment would limit them to three per building"
- "The amendment further stipulates that no base stations can be installed in public
or private senior high schools, junior high schools and primary schools"

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Next-up News Nr 955 Child cancer deaths led by brain tumours

- The Guardian -The Observer: "Child cancer deaths led by brain tumours"
Kevin O'Neill, a consultant neurosurgeon at Imperial College London, said: "Brain tumours are on the increase,
reportedly in the region of 2% per year. But in my unit we have seen the number of cases nearly double in the last year."

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Next-up News Nr 957 Gerson School vs. Bouygues Telecom SA Court Order from District Court of Lyon

- "Gerson School vs. Bouygues Telecom SA Court Order from District Court of Lyon"
"The parents have formed an action group called Rassemblement pour des Ecoles Sans
Pollution ÉlectroMagnétique (Campaign for Schools without Electromagnetic Pollution).

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Next-up News Nr 959 Flora and Relay Antennas: Seeing is believing from microwaves radiation.

- Impact on Flora: Seeing is believing
"Artificial radiation from directed energy microwaves from Hertzian Repeaters-Relay Antennas"

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Next-up News Nr 962. WHO and Action in Barcelona: make the truth known

- BARCELONA (Spain) Publicity campaign in Barcelona: Health YES, Relay Antennas NO.
Taking the information into the street. Giving out documents and getting people to sign petitions.

- WHO: make the truth known
- Associated Press: "WHO criticized for neglecting evidence"

- Next Next-up News:
- Release of confidential EDF documents on the health effects of EMFs (in English).
- Publication of TOP 100 worldwide of web sites giving EMF info. A negationist site in 5th place!
- EHS in distress: Following the categoric refusal of the planning application for the White Zone Health Zone in France
(dossier in progress), on 1 June 2009 a temporary emergency refuge will be made available, entirely free of charge.

Only a few places available. Those who are EHS have to provide their own accommodation (caravans in aluminium
sheet or camping cars). NB: this is not a White Zone strictly speaking, but a low-radiation zone.

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Next-up News Nr 964 The mayor of Clamart is fed up . . . he disconnects the Orange relay antennas

- Philippe Kaltenbach, mayor of Clamart (France),
"is fed up with the Orange relay antennas . . .he puts them out of action"
- Notices to the public from the Town Council: The Precautionary Principle (pdf).

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Next-up News Nr 967 EHS White Zone Health Zone and EHS Temporary Emergency Refuge Zone

- EHS White Zone Health Zone: Communication.

- EHS Temporary Emergency Refuge Zone: Opening.

- TOP 100 Worldwide Web Sites specialising in EMF issues
- Thank you for giving us your vote of confidence for the third year running.

- A negationist site in 5th place! Pseudo-sciences Fr [1] [2]

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Next-up News Nr 969 André Aurengo à Villeneuve de la Raho: la Claque !

- Reportage Contre-conférence d'André Aurengo à Villeneuve de la Raho: "La Claque"

- Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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Next-up News Nr 971 France Round table on relay antennas: in certain towns the radiation level of 0.6 V/m . . .

- France "Round table on relay antennas: essentials of the final report".

- "Faced with the evidence and the pressure from action groups, the government has agreed to try
out in certain towns the radiation level of 0.6 V/m, as recommended by the scientific consortium BioInitiative."
- These moves are nowhere near enough, ut at least they are the first positive steps towards
recognition f the health hazards, and taken without any reference to ICNIRP".

- TOP 100 Worldwide Web Sites specialising in EMF issues
- Thank you for giving us your vote of confidence for the third year running.

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Next-up News Nr 973 Annie Lobé Journaliste scientifique Tests mesures LFC : Vérité et Pathologies

- Annie Lobé Journaliste scientifique "Tests mesures LFC: Vérité & Pathologies"

- Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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Next-up News Nr 974 Lyon CARRA Présentation et Procédures Judicaires

- CARRA - Coordination Antennes Relais Rhône-Alpes : Présentation.

- France 3 : "Face au constat d'échec du Grenelle des antennes relais CARRA
pense qu'il n'y a plus d'autres choix que la voie d'actions judiciaires".

- Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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Next-up News Nr 975 INTERPHONE Communiqué IARC / CIRC

- 28 05 2009 Communiqué: International Agency for Research on Cancer
"Status of the INTERPHONE Study"

- 28 05 2009 Communiqué : Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer
"Le point sur la situation de l'étude INTERPHONE"

- All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

Next-up News Nr 976 INTERPHONE IARC: Results update CIRC: Mise à jour des résultats

- 08 10 2008 IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer:
- "International Study INTERPHONE: Results update"

- 08 10 2008 CIRC - Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer :
- "Étude Internationale INTERPHONE : Mise à jour des résultats"

- All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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Next-up News Nr 977 Edition Speciale LFC Borloo écolo pollueur, Greenpeace complice, ARNAQUE reportage EHS TV News

- Next-up organisation demande l'arrêt immédiat de la commercialisation, le retrait et l'interdiction des LFC
qui est un produit hyper toxique pour la santé humaine et un nouveau multi-pollueur de l'environnement.

- Merci de diffuser les imageries sur la vérité : "LFC irradiée, Borloo l'écolo pollueur, Greenpeace complice"
- EHS TV News (M6) "Reportage Lampe basse Consommation (LFC): L'Arnaque" (vidéo HD 16/9e).
- EHS TV News reportage (rediffusion en deuxième partie) "La faute inexcusable de l'ADEME"

- TOP 100 Mondial des Sites Web spécialisés en CEM :
Merci de nous avoir renouvelé votre confiance pour la troisième année consécutive.

- TOP 100 Worldwide Web Sites specialising in EMF issues
- Thank you for giving us your vote of confidence for the third year running.

- Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php