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Campaña Internacional de Sensibilización.Hacer Visible lo Invisile Clicar Aquí EL TOT MATARÓ i COMARCA - revista Semanal 35.000 Ejemplares; 97.000 Lectores:Montserrat Ferrer, contra l’antena Presidenta de l’entitat ecologista Oikos Ambiental CLICAR AQUÍ

viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

Paul Doyon, EMR-Updates: July 26th, 2009 (Part Three) International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP)

International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP)

Education! Awareness! Support! Action!
(From denial to acceptance, from ignorance to awareness, from apathy to action, from selfishness to compassion.)

  • Angry Flyers Lounge: Why Can't I Use My Laptop?
  • New Drug Shields Against Radiation
  • Driven to Distraction: Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks
  • Radiation Rescue

  • Membrane Sensitivity Syndrome
  • Driven to Distraction: US Government Withholds Data On Risks of Distracted Driving

  • Israeli Environmental Ministry Steps Up Fight Against Cellular Antennas

  • Adam Yauch of Beastie Boys diagnosed with parotid gland tumor

  • San Rafeal Council OKs Antennas Near Ecology House

  • Swiss Federal Parliament Bill Calls for Reduction of Non-Ionizing Radiation, Limits on Antennas, and Creation of Refugee Zones

  • EMF Refugee Zone Tests EMF Valuation

  • ICNIRP moves to protect the cell phone indu
  • EMR-Updates: July 26th, 2009 (Part One) International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP)

    [Attachment(s) from Paul Doyon included below]

    Education! Awareness! Support! Action!

    (From denial to acceptance, from ignorance to awareness, from apathy to action, from selfishness to compassion.)

  • EMR and Obesity

  • The Cellular Companies Will Not Be Able to Provide Home Lines

  • EMR-Updates: July 26th, 2009 (Part Two) International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP

    [Attachment(s) from Paul Doyon included below]

    EMR-Updates: July 26th, 2009 (Part Two)

    International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP)

    Education! Awareness! Support! Action!

    (From denial to acceptance, from ignorance to awareness, from apathy to action, from selfishness to compassion.)

    · EMF and health / research paper on Dirty Electricity in the "American Journal of Industrial Medicine"

    · Israeli Government Bans Marketing Home WiFi Systems as a Precautionary Measure

    · EMR and Deformed Animals in Volturino, Italy

    · The aversive effect of electromagnetic radiation on foraging bats – a possible means of discouraging bats from approaching wind turbines.

    · Action Alert: Cell Phones in the Classroom as an Educational Tool?

    · Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains the Autism Coverup

    · Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from GSM (0.9/1.8GHz) mobile phones induces oxidative stress and reduces sperm motility in rats.

    · NZTRillion: "Say No to the Vaccine" Song

    · EHS Refuge Zone Free (Active): Photos

    · ELF Radiation Shielding Paint

    · The Invisible Disease

    · Sarah Dacre on Dirty Electricity

    domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

    l’EHS (Électro Hyper Sensibilité) et celui de l’MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity),

    Next-up News Nr 1010 Photos of the week / Photos de la semaine

    - Photos of the week / Photos de la semaine

    - Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    6 V/m : Liechtenstein reafirma su voluntad de adoptar el estandar Fotos del día: Mataró, Next-up news Nr 993 BioInitiative

    - Fotos del día : 11 de Junio de 2009 - "En contra la Electropolución Imparable en Mataró y mundo"

    - Frente a las operadoras Liechtenstein reafirma su voluntad de adoptar el estandar Bioinitiative de 0,6 V/m.

    - Los todos Next-up news : www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

    Next-up News Nr 1008 Leucémie Témoignage "Un grand défi pour Valeria : La lutte pour la vie"

    - Leucémie "Un grand défi pour Valeria : La lutte pour la vie"

    - Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    Next-up News Nr 1033 EHS Refuge Zone: photos report

    - EHS Refuge Zone Free (active): photos report

    - Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    Next-up News Nr 1032 EMF Weapons / ARMES CEM Examples Shootings / Exemples Tirs: Non-Lethal ADS

    - EMF Weapons - ARMES CEM: "Non-Lethal ADS - Active Denial System"
    (language Uk - texte Fr) Examples of shootings / Exemples de tirs.

    - Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    Next-up News Nr 1030 Diabetes and Electromagnetic Fields: the evidence

    - Diabetes and Electromagnetic Fields: the evidence
    - Dr Magda Havas: "When someone is exposed to EM radiation they become a real barometer."

    - All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    Next-up News Nr 1027 French Green Party Motion on Electromagnetic Radiation

    - The French Green Party adopted a motion on electromagnetic radiation.

    - All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    Next-up News Nr 1025 Wi-Fi Dr. Magda Havas Open Letter

    - Dr. Magda Havas: Open Letter to Parents, Teachers, School Boards.
    Regarding Wi-Fi Networks in Schools

    - All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    Next-up News Nr 1022 Opening of the temporary free Refuge Zone for EHS

    - Opening of the temporary free Refuge Zone for EHS (Southeast France).

    - All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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    Next-up News Nr 1021 Does using a mobile phone send you mad? (Sweden)

    - Sweden: "Does using a mobile phone send you mad?"

    - All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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    Next-up News Nr 1020 Bahia survivor to Yemenia Airways Airbus Crash: the disturbing truth.

    - The Yemenia Airways Airbus Crash: the disturbing truth.
    Bahia: "She is 13 years old, she's a miraculous survivor and she is a better
    witness than the black boxes!"

    - All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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    Phone causes jet to change course
    17·07·2009 - en web AVAATE (SPAIN)

    Next-up News Nr 1019 Château d,eau de France : Opérateurs Pollueurs

    - Découvrez l'intérieur d'un château d'eau de France "Opérateurs Pollueurs"

    - Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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    Next-up News Nr 1018 Part 1: Crash Airbus Yemenia Airways Cellphones and other electronics are more of a risk

    ISRAEL: The communication and environment ministries have banned the cellular companies from marketing phones in the house and internet connection that are based on cellular modem, because of the radiation concern.
    18·07·2009 - Visitas: 19

    Phone causes jet to change course

    - Part 2: Crash Airbus Yemenia Airways "In Progress"
    - Part 1: Crash Airbus Yemenia Airways "Cellphones and other electronics are more of a risk"
    - Avionics: "Unsafe at any airspeed? Cellphones and other electronics are more of a risk"
    - Carnegie Mellon Engineering Graham William Strauss thesis:
    "Portable Electronic Devices Onboard Commercial Aircraft: Assessing the Risks"

    - All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php

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    Next-up News Nr 1017 Crash Airbus Yemenia Airways: l,essentiel qui dérange (mieux que les boites noires !)

    - Crash Airbus Yemenia Airways: l'essentiel qui dérange (inclus vidéo France 2)
    Baya Baraki "c'est une miraculée et elle témoigne ... mieux que les boîtes noires!"

    - Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: http://www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php#1

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